• Learning Pod Self Reflection

    Please answer the following questions in this document for your first introductory blog post in preparation for your initial team meeting with your Learning Pod. This information will allow your team members to get to know how you work best so that the group can make team agreements that work for all.

    Preferred Mode of Remote Communication:
    I prefer using Discord.

    Communication Strengths:
    I can speak Korean very fluently.

    Communication Weaknesses and Growth Areas:
    I’m an international student, so English is not my first language. Therefore, my English skills are not as strong as those of other local students. I’m trying to speak with other students at UVIC to improve my English skills.

    Introvert or Extrovert:
    I’m an extrovert.

    Time Zone:
    I’m in the Pacific Time Zone.

    Preferred Time for Academic Work:
    I prefer to do academic work at night.

    When Upset:
    When I feel upset, I usually keep it to myself.

    Likes About Group Work:
    I like to share my ideas.

    Dislikes About Group Work:
    I don’t like it when someone doesn’t respect other teammates.

    Additional Information for the Team:
    My English skills are not very good, so I want to let everyone know to please be patient when I share my ideas.