Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments

Author: jungjooyoon

EDCI335 Post 4

Exploring Interaction through “Wearable Technologies: The New Normal in Healthcare” by Noushin Nasiri

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN28MKAK-fA&t=356s

Introduction: Wearable technologies are revolutionizing healthcare, and transforming how we monitor health and wellness. Noushin Nasiri’s TEDx talk provides a fascinating look into this world. Let’s explore how this video can engage students and suggest activities to enhance their learning experience.

1. Interaction Required from Students: The video captures students’ interest by presenting engaging information about wearable tech. It doesn’t directly ask for responses but encourages critical thinking about the topic.

2. Likely Student Responses (Learner-Generated): Students might naturally respond to the video by:

  • Taking Notes: Writing down key points about wearable technologies and their healthcare uses.
  • Reflecting: Considering the impact of these technologies on personal and public health.
  • Discussing: Talking with peers about the benefits and challenges of wearable tech in healthcare.

3. Suggested Post-Video Activity (Designed): I suggest a group project where students design their own wearable health monitoring device. This involves:

  • Research: Investigating current wearable technologies and identifying areas for improvement or innovation.
  • Design: Creating a concept for a new device, including its features, target users, and health benefits.
  • Presentation: Using tools like PowerPoint or video to present their designs to the class.

This activity develops research skills, critical thinking, creativity, and presentation skills. Students will use digital resources like online databases, design software, and presentation tools.

4. Feedback Mechanism: Feedback is crucial for growth. Students will receive feedback through peer reviews and instructor evaluations, facilitated by:

  • Online Discussion Forums: Where peers provide constructive feedback on each other’s designs.
  • Rubrics: Detailed rubrics help instructors assess the projects fairly and thoroughly.

5. Workload and Scalability: Managing this activity involves creating rubrics, facilitating discussions, and evaluating presentations. It’s a manageable workload and worthwhile for the active learning it promotes. The activity can be scaled for larger classes using virtual breakout rooms or scheduling multiple presentation sessions.

6. Enhancing Video Design for Better Interaction: To boost engagement, the video could include:

  • Interactive Polls/Quizzes: Embedded to keep viewers engaged and check understanding.
  • Call-to-Action Prompts: Encouraging viewers to share thoughts or questions about wearable technologies in the comments.

7. Addressing Potential Barriers for Inclusive Design: To ensure everyone benefits from the video:

  • Provide Transcripts: For students who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who prefer reading.
  • Offer Subtitles in Multiple Languages: To assist non-native English speakers.
  • Ensure Video Accessibility: Making sure the video works with screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Conclusion: Noushin Nasiri’s TEDx talk on wearable technologies is more than just a video; it’s a gateway to deeper understanding and innovation in healthcare. By engaging students with thoughtful activities and discussions, we can help them grasp and creatively apply the material. Let’s inspire our learners to design the future of healthcare technology.

EDCI335 Post 3

Ensuring Inclusive Learning in My Interactive Learning Resource

Creating an inclusive learning resource means making sure that every learner can succeed, no matter their needs or circumstances. Here’s how I plan to do that:

1. Meeting Diverse Learning Needs: I’ll use the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to provide content in multiple formats like text, audio, and video. This way, students can choose how they want to access the material. Activities will also be varied, allowing students to express their understanding in ways that work best for them, whether that’s through writing, creating videos, or other projects.

2. Preparing for Unexpected Events: If something unexpected happens, like a pandemic, it’s important to be ready. I’ll move everything online to a platform that’s easy to use and provide training for both students and instructors. This training will include how to navigate the online tools through tutorials, webinars, and ongoing support. I’ll also be flexible with deadlines and assignments to help students who might be dealing with difficult home environments.

3. Reducing Barriers in Learning Activities: For group projects, one challenge might be that not all students have the same access to technology. To solve this, I’ll offer low-tech options like phone meetings and printed materials. I’ll also provide clear instructions and support for online collaboration to ensure everyone can participate fully, regardless of their tech skills.

4. Improving the Learning Environment: I’ll make the online content accessible to everyone, including those using screen readers and other assistive technologies. Additionally, by offering asynchronous options, students can participate at times that suit them best, making the learning experience more flexible and accommodating.

5. Inspiration from Universal Design in Engineering: Think of automatic doors that open for everyone, regardless of their ability to push or pull. Similarly, in my learning design, I’ll include features like instant feedback on quizzes and auto-saving progress in assignments. These features help reduce the mental effort required and ensure a smoother experience for all students, just like automatic doors make it easier for everyone to enter a building.

By implementing these strategies, my interactive learning resource will support all learners and help them achieve their goals, no matter their individual needs or circumstances.

EDCI335 Post 2

Direct Instruction: Characteristics and Application to Wearable Devices in Healthcare

Direct instruction is a teacher-centered approach that emphasizes clear and systematic teaching of knowledge and skills. This method includes structured lessons, clear goal setting, teacher demonstrations, guided practice, and frequent assessment and feedback. The teacher plays a central role in delivering content and ensuring that students fully understand the subject.

In contexts where learners need to acquire skills for specific tasks, direct instruction can be particularly effective. For example, learning to use wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers for health monitoring requires understanding specific functions and technologies. Direct instruction helps learners efficiently acquire these skills.

Characteristics of Direct Instruction:

  1. Clear Goals: Setting specific learning goals for students. For example, “By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to set up and use their fitness tracker to monitor daily activity.”
  2. Structured Lessons: Following a set plan that includes an introduction, demonstration, guided practice, independent practice, and assessment.
  3. Teacher Demonstration: The teacher shows how to perform tasks, such as setting up a fitness tracker or using its features.
  4. Guided Practice: Students practice with the teacher’s help, receiving immediate feedback.
  5. Independent Practice: Students use the devices on their own, applying what they’ve learned.
  6. Regular Assessment: Frequent checks to ensure students understand the material, using quizzes, practical tests, and discussions.

Application to Wearable Devices in Healthcare:

Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers help monitor health by tracking metrics such as steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Direct instruction can teach users how to use these devices effectively, ensuring they understand how to set them up, interpret the data, and use the information to monitor their health.

How Direct Instruction Fits with Wearable Devices:

  1. Clear Goals: For instance, “Learners will set up their fitness tracker and monitor daily activity.”
  2. Structured Lesson Plan: Begin with an overview of wearable health devices, followed by step-by-step instructions on setting up and using the device.
  3. Teacher Demonstration: Show how to navigate device features like step counting and heart rate monitoring.
  4. Guided Practice: Learners set up their devices with the teacher’s guidance, practicing in a controlled environment.
  5. Independent Practice: Learners use the device independently to track health metrics over a week.
  6. Assessment and Feedback: Assess learners’ understanding through quizzes, practical demonstrations, and discussions.

Example Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduction: Explain the importance of wearable devices in personal healthcare.
  2. Demonstration: Teacher sets up a fitness tracker, showing its features and functions.
  3. Guided Practice: Learners set up their own devices with teacher assistance.
  4. Independent Practice: Learners use the device for a specified period, tracking their health data.
  5. Assessment: Quizzes, practical tests, and discussions to ensure understanding.


Direct instruction is effective for teaching the technical skills needed to use wearable health devices. It ensures learners acquire the necessary skills systematically, with ample opportunities for practice and feedback. Combining direct instruction with real-world application enhances the learning experience and prepares learners to use wearable devices confidently and effectively in their daily lives.

EDCI335 Post 1

Assessment Strategies Used

  1. Formative Assessment:
    • Peer Feedback: Students give feedback to each other to help improve their work continuously.
    • Self-Assessment: Students reflect on their own learning and progress.
    • Ongoing Feedback: Students get feedback on drafts and assignments before the final submission.
    • Connection to Learning Theories:
      • Constructivism: This theory suggests learning happens through interactions and feedback, which matches well with these strategies.
      • Cognitivism: This theory focuses on how we process information, and getting regular feedback helps with this process.
  2. Summative Assessment:
    • Final Projects: Students complete a big project at the end of the course to show what they’ve learned.
    • Connection to Learning Theories:
      • Behaviorism: This theory focuses on observable behaviors, like how well you perform on a final project.

Assessment Strategies Not Used

  1. Multiple-Choice Tests:
    • This course doesn’t use tests with multiple-choice questions, which are common in other courses.
    • Connection to Learning Theories:
      • Behaviorism: These tests check if you can choose the correct answer, fitting well with behaviorist ideas.
  2. Automated Grading Systems:
    • This course doesn’t use systems that automatically grade your work, which are often used in computer science courses.
    • Connection to Learning Theories:
      • Behaviorism: Automated grading provides instant feedback on right or wrong answers.

Comparison to Computer Science Courses

  1. Typical Computer Science Course Assessments:
    • Automated Coding Assignments: These are graded by computers based on whether the code works correctly.
    • Exams and Quizzes: Use multiple-choice questions and coding problems to test knowledge.
    • Project-Based Assessments: Students work on projects, but they often don’t get as much feedback during the process.
  2. Differences:
    • Peer Feedback and Self-Assessment: These are used more in this course but not as much in computer science courses.
    • Emphasis on Formative Assessment: This course focuses more on continuous feedback rather than just final grades.

Specific Examples

  1. Formative Feedback:
    • In this course, students might submit a draft and get feedback from classmates and instructors, similar to a code review in some advanced computer science courses.
    • Learning Theory Connection: Constructivism, which suggests that feedback helps build understanding.
  2. Summative Projects:
    • Both types of courses might have final projects. In computer science, it could be a big coding project. In this course, it might be designing a learning plan.
    • Learning Theory Connection: Behaviorism, focusing on the final performance to show what’s been learned.


The course “Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments” uses many different ways to assess learning, especially focusing on continuous feedback and reflection. This approach matches theories that say we learn best through interaction and feedback. In contrast, computer science courses often use automated grading and tests, which fit with theories that focus on right and wrong answers. This course’s approach can help students think more deeply about their learning compared to the more straightforward methods used in computer science.

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